The Christian & her God

Here is a great topic to be discussed at the end, it will be clearly known that the undying grace of God toward mankind call for a great relationship between God and man no matter what. All it need is for man to realise that there is a living God and must cling to him. This message would be clearly explained by Josan A. Noah

The suppernatural relationship between God and human

It has well been said that the greatest ability is dependability, and this especially applies to the Christian life. We want God to be faithful to us, so is it wrong for God to expect us to be faithful to Him? Faithfulness is an evidence of faith, and faith comes from hearing and receiving the Word of God (Rom 10:17; 2 Thess 2:13). The psalmist described several areas of faithfulness in the life of the believer.
Faithful feet (Psalm 119 v. 105 Nun)
Two familiar biblical images combine in this verse: life is a path (vv. 32,35,101,128; 16:11; 23:3; 25:4) and God's Word is the light that helps us follow the right path (v. 130; 18:28; 19:8; 36:9; 43:3; Prov 6:23; 2 Peter 1:19). The ancient world did not have lights such as we have today; the people carried little clay dishes containing oil, and the light illuminated the path only one step ahead. We do not see the whole route at one time, for we walk by faith when we follow the Word. Each act of obedience shows us the next step, and eventually we arrive at the appointed destination. We are told that this is "an enlightened age," but we live in a dark world (John 1:5; 3:19; 8:12; 12:46; Col 1:13; 1 Peter 2:9) and only God's light can guide us aright. Obedience to the Word keeps us walking in the light (1 John 1:5-10).


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We carry a task and that is to reach the world with the atonning message of Christ that brings peace to the world and yet the world cannot accept this? To know more explor this site.


Christ-like Character Read On

The Christian life is nothing without faith and without faith no man can please God, this message is well emphasize at Manasexplorer. Learn more in Christ by getting most relevant answers to Christian life questions in a well advanced explanation.


Christian Marriage Learn more

Apparently one of the questions the church asked was, "Is celibacy [remaining unmarried] more spiritual than marriage? Paul replied that it is good for a man or a woman to have the gift of celibacy, but the celibate state is not better than marriage


Get to know more about our music artiste Kodwo Nkrumah

Beautiful music has the rare ability to dive into our souls, and it's this that inspire Tongues of fire to create a composition that is beyoung compare. Visit Tongues of fire to download music videos and read more, and don't forget to sing-up to our news letter.

live for christ

The Christian progress

In the Christian life, we never stand still: we either go forward or gradually slip backward. "Let us go on to maturity!" is the call we must obey (Heb 6:1, literal translation). The Christian who is not making spiritual progress is an open target for the enemy to attack and destroy.


Christian life Learn more

From the flashing red signals at a railroad crossing to the skull and crossbones on a bottle of rubbing alcohol, warnings are a part of daily life. Children must be taught to heed warnings, and adults must be reminded not to get too accustomed to them. Warnings are a matter of life or death. The spiritual life also has its dangers and its warnings. Moses warned the Israelites to beware of forgetting the Lord once they got settled in the Promised Land (Deut 6:12).


The life of the  believer

The power of Christ in the life of the believer does more than merely restrain the desires of the flesh: it puts new desires within him. Nature determines appetite. The Christian has the very nature of God within (2 Peter 1:4), and this means he has godly ambitions and desires. He does not need law on the outside to control his appetites because he has life on the inside!.


About the author read more

Glory to God of grace for making this project possible, though God's project would be possible with or without the social media but it's a great opportunity to have it here for many who have access to the net to get the word of God at their convenient places. We thank God for this opportunity and the advancement of technology.

Let No One Enslave You (Col. 2:20-23)

Paul condemned legalism and mysticism; next he attacked and condemned asceticism. An ascetic practices rigorous self-denial and even self-mortification in order to become more spiritual. Ascetic practices were popular during the Middle Ages: wearing hair shirts next to the skin, sleeping on hard beds, whipping oneself, not speaking for days (maybe years), going without food or sleep, etc.

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A Higher  Sanctity

A higher sanctity involves a conformity to the Divine nature.  God is holy, and the aim of the believer is to be like Him. There is to be not only an abstinence from impurity but a positive experience of purity. By faith we participate in the Divine nature, and possess qualities analogous to the Divine perfections -- mercy, truth, justice, holiness.

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A Higher Sanctity

The Divine will regarding a higher sanctity is enforced by duly authorized messengers, and well understood precepts (ver. 2). The apostle did not assume authority in any dictatorial spirit. He delivered unto others what he had received. These precepts were well known. Obedience should ever be in proportion to knowledge. Knowledge and practice are mutually helpful to each other. To know and not to do is to incur the heaviest condemnation. "Not My will, but Thine be done."

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Heaven On Earth

In the final two chapters of Colossians, Paul moved into the practical application of the doctrines he had been teaching After all, it does little good if Christians declare and defend the truth, but fail to demonstrate it in their lives. There are some Christians who will defend the truth at the drop of a hat, but their personal lives deny the doctrines they profess to love. "They profess that they know God, but in works they deny Him" (Titus 1:16).

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